Saturday 2 February 2013

How Do You Play Poker, Anyways?

Do you feel like this when you get invited to play poker? Let us help you.

Here are a couple handy things to keep in mind when learning how to play:

- There's a big difference between playing poker in a casino and playing at a friend's home: There is virtually no joking around and the atmosphere can be intense while at a casino. When playing in a more casual setting, you can feel free to jest, tease and really let loose during the game.

-  Even if you have a good hand, you will need to weigh that against the chances that your opponent has a better hand.

- The more you are into the game, the easier it will be to learn the language of your opponents.

- Below, an example of poker hands and what they include:
- The best time to fold is when you see that your hand is a losing one and that those around you are exhibiting a confidence that you do not share.

- Not only is it possible to read the body language of others as you sit at the poker table, it is a key component of the game. For instance, if someone sits up very straight as they place their bets they likely have great confidence in their hand. The same is true if the player is chatting a lot during the game or smiling at the other players. On the other hand, players that roll their eyes or take deeps breaths are more likely to have fairly weak hands.

- The most common hand is a no-pair which is also referred to high-card. This means that there are no pairs, no flush and no other ‘playable’ sequence in the hand. Thus, all you are really left with is a hand with a high-card. This hand is dealt about 50% of the time.

These are some great tips to get you started in learning how to master the game of poker. For more tips, and greater detail, check out our website articles here.

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